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Auto generated email

June 22, 2014

This post will show how to create an auto generated email in response to another email we receive.

First, you have to add a new ” process” in the left panel:

Then choose the type of process: “Send email”:

On the right of the window the run condition can be set. As we do not want to send an email every time an incoming email is received choose it to run only when the incoming email passes a filter you have previously created. For example, only emails from a specific person. See how to create email filters for more information.

This way we are sure that the this process is only fired when an email we have received is from this remitent. The auto generated email is sent back to John with this content:

Remember to set also your SMTP server settings as they are configured in your email client. These will be used to send the email back to John every time he forgots we are on holidays.

The overall result of this set up can be seen in the left panel:

Automated Email Parser 4.2. New release and new program name

June 18, 2014
The most noticeable change in the new version is the new program name but this new release also comes with some peroformance improvements in the email history window, lower memory footprint and some minor bug fixes. You will also notice that the program is no longer distributed as a MSI pacakge, now we use the more common EXE format to launch the setup program. We have changed the program name from Email & Parser to Automated Email Parser to show in a better way what the program does. It is more descriptive as what most of our customers do is to use the program to automatically parse incoming emails (Although other many use it for email forwarding, archiving etc)

Removing line breaks (or other unwanted characters) from captured text

June 12, 2014
You can master regular expressions or c# scripting  and build a parser that captures from the email exactly what you want but sometimes unwanted characters such as line breaks, tabs or weird characters (for instance ıġħť p̀ł) are part of the text captured. To solve these issues we need to apply to the captured text another step of parsing called “text filtering and replacing” : filter_captured_text-624x432 read more …

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