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Capturing email body text with regular expressions

December 27, 2013

Here comes another example from a real use case (published with permission from the customer).

We have an email with the following text:

Delivery Type: Residential
------- ----------------- ----------------- -------
1 RT32323-7 Arvo Balck $26.00
1 SG43242-95 Arvo Blue $23.00
--------------------------------------------------- ----------
 TOTAL: $49.00

We want to capture the item quantity, code, description and price with regular expressions. The first step we follow is to create a new field with the text capture method “Filtering and replacing” to remove the surrounding text and get only the table with the data we want to capture:

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Email Parser integration with third party libraries (DLLs)

December 22, 2013

The available Email Parser processes are meant to meet most of the users requirements but some users require specific needs that cannot be accomplished without integrating Email Parser with another tool or external library.

The processes that gives that kind of extensibility are “Run external program“, “Run command under the Windows command prompt” and “Script action“. The latter is the one we will cover in this blog post.   available_atuomated_processes   read more …

Auto email print and attached PDF files

December 9, 2013

Here comes another example from a real use case.

Our customer has an e-commerce site and when a visitor checkouts and pays a new email with the confirmation of the purchase is generated and sent to the visitor email address (this is done by PHP not Email Parser in this case). This is the usual process when someone buys something online as you know.  A copy of this email goes to a warehouse where the orders are delivered. This email also contains PDF files attached containing the labels that must be sticked to the box.

The worker at the warehouse checks from time to time the inbox and when a new email pops up he prints the email body in normal paper and the attached PDFs in label paper. Then he takes a box and fill it with the goods specified in the printed paper (email body). At last he closes the box and sticks the labels (attached PDFs) on it.

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