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Deleting unwanted emails from the inbox

December 13, 2016
Email filtering allows you to select which emails are processed by Email Parser and which ones are ignored. It is also possible to use different email filters to drive different email types to different email parsers (think of emails with different formatting or contents, for example). But what happen with emails not matching any criteria? You may want, for instance, delete them from your inbox. They take disk space and if you use the email address only to process emails they are not very useful. It is better to keep only those emails that are meant to be processed for reference (you also have the email history window in this case). To implement this in Email Parser you have to use a feature called filter combination. Let’s see an example:   John receives at two kinds of emails. He differentiates each type by the subject. They have the text [A] or [B] in the subject depending the type of the email. Accordingly, he has set up the following filters:

email filters

  Each one only has one rule:

filter email by subject

John has also successfully set up all the email parsing (text capturing) for the emails but he receives many other emails, mostly spam, in his yahoo mailbox. And they take the limited inbox size he has in the email account. Also, when he visits the webmail he sees the [A] and [B] emails mixed with another ones. How to delete the other emails automatically? Using filter combination. To accomplish the task he created another email filter called “Anything else” with the following settings:

email filter anything else

  The resulting left panel in Email Parser looks like this:

email parser using filtering rules combination

  Note that the actionDelete unwanted email” deletes the email directly from the server inbox and its run condition in this case is “when unprocessed email is available at” and “emails that have passed the filter Anything else“. Since “Anything else” takes all the emails not meeting the conditions set at “Subject contains [A]” and “Subject contains [B]” an email passing “Anything else” means that it does not contain [A] or [B] in the subject.

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