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Email Parser 5.2

February 15, 2019
The changes in this release are:
  • [New] Email sources, Parsers and Actions can now be grouped in tabs at the left panel. This is specially useful if you have a very complex set up with a large amount of items
  • [New] Items in the left panel can now be moved with the mouse (drag and drop). Easier and faster than clicking to the button “up” or “down” multiple times.
  • [New] Support for Zapier.
  • [New] Support for IFTTT.
  • [New] Capturing HTML tags from the email body with XPATH expressions.
  • [New] Capturing HTML tags from the email body with CSS selectors.
  • [New] Added many key shortcuts, mostly the Enter and Esc keys in many panels and lists
  • [New] Added a context menu to the Output tab and the list of emails.
  • [Fix] The email sources that take files from a folder in your computer now are named using the name of the folder instead of requiring a ‘fake’ email address.
  • [Fix] New payment gateway for EmailParser online: Paddle.
  • [Fix] Completely reworked license key panel at Settings->License. Much easier to understand and less nonsense.
  • [Fix] The action that saves the email attachments to a folder now creates a field named SavedAttachmentPath for every saved file. Previously it was named SavedAttachment which was confusing with the actual contents of the attachments.
  • [Fix] Many other small bug fixes and tweaks.

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