Overview of the different parsing methods

See also:
What is an email parser?
Multiple step parsing

overview of the different parsing methods

Email Parser offers different methods to capture the needed piece of text from the email. Depending on your skills or the complexity of the email you will use one or another. You can even combine them for the most complex cases.

Is it easy to configure? Can be used in all cases?
Starts with… continues until… Yes Yes. It can be used in most parsing cases.
Read attachment contents Yes Only needed if you are parsing attached files.
Text filtering and replacing Yes Only for formatting already parsed text. For instance, removing spaces from a phone number.
Regular expression match Some RegExp skills are required. Yes. Everything can be parsed with regular expressions.
Capture HTML tag Some HTML knowledge is required. Only for parsing the HTML version of the email (the field named BodyHTML), not the plain text one.
Script-based parser No. C# coding skills are required. Yes. With a script everything can be parsed if you know how to code the proper algorithm.

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