How to find the Exchange web services URL
If you don’t know the Exchange Web Service URL for your email account here are some tips:
- If you are using Office 365 the Exchange server URL is:
Note that an app specific password is usually required. This is not your account password. You can also use the Office 365 email source if you do not want to create an app password.
- The EWS URL is not the Outlook Web Access URL.
- By default, most servers use an URL like this:
- If you have administrator access to the Exchange server, you can get this URL running the following command in the Exchange Management Shell:
Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory |Select name, *url* | fl
- If you have Microsoft Outlook installed try:
- Hold the Ctrl key and right click on the Outlook Icon in the system tray
- Select “Test E-mail Auto Configuration” from the menu
- Type in an email address located on the desired Exchange server
- Click Test
- The URL is listed as ‘Availability Service URL’
- And, of course, if none of these worked, ask your network administrator or the provider that manages the Exchange server. Exchange web service is available on any Exchange server from 2007 but they may have disabled it.